Beaded Tassel
What you need for each tassel
- 5cm headpin - 8 pieces
- crown bead cap - 1 piece
- 3x3.5mm rondelle glass bead - 1 strand
- rondelle spacer beads / enamal bead cap - 2 pieces
- 8x10mm rondelle glass bead - 1 piece
- 5mm twisted jumpring - 1 pack
1. strings beads onto the headpin: 12 pcs/pin for golden or 9 pcs/pin for silver.
2. make a loop at the end using the round nose plier.
3. make 8 beaded pins
4. use 3 jump rings to attach the pin and the cap together as in the picture.
5. we have 16 holes on the cap and only 8 pins, so add the pin to every other hole
6. now the tassel is done. The last step is to pull a pin through the hole at the tip of the cap, adding the glass beads, and make a loop at the end.